Venkel offers customized stocking-level reports that are updated weekly. These can be emailed to you automatically or upon request.
Cancellation and Push Out Policies
Our inventory management programs work in Just In Time (JIT) fashion to alleviate most of your cancellation or push out concerns. You release your parts when you absolutely need them. Cancellations or push-outs are always accepted for standard items. Special terms apply for NCNR (Nonstandard) items.
Inaccurate Forecasts
In a perfect world a forecast would be exact. We realize this is NOT a perfect world! As your forecast changes so does the stock allocated for your demand. Our team of Supply Chain Specialists will work with your staff to determine how we can improve the accuracy of your forecast if possible.
Difference between Blanket POs and KanBan
Venkel does NOT accept open-ended blanket purchase orders. For Venkel to "hold" stock for a customer they must be enrolled in one of our inventory management programs. Under one of these programs an open-ended blanket purchase order may be accepted under certain conditions.
Unable to provide Forecasts?
A forecast of some type is required for all of our programs. A forecast may be in the form of a MRP Share report, rolling 90 day forecast, EAU or a set minimum stocking level. Our Supply Chain Specialists will work with your company to gather the most accurate and efficient means of communicating your demand to us. We can often aid you in making this decision by providing you with customized reports showing your past usage for each item previously purchased through Venkel.
Unpredictable Forecasts
This particular problem is why an inventory management program is so popular. Venkel will customize an inventory solution for you by using your estimated annual usage (EAU) or MRP forecast, whichever suits your situation best. By using an EAU and stocking per on Avg. /per Mth., we can minimize the headaches by sudden spikes in your production line by pipelining material for you. Conversely, If you have a delay in production you will not have excess stock sitting in inventory. You only release your product when you need it. Now that is simple!!
Customer liability will fluctuate with changes in your forecasted demand. Liability can be negotiated at program startup. Our Supply Chain Specialists will work with each customer to reduce customer liability as much as possible. However, liability requirements are often different for Standard vs. Nonstandard items.
Your liability requirements are not enforced until you re-source, remove or the terms of your agreement has ended. In most cases (especially standard items) Venkel will do as much as possible to relieve you of all or most liability on an individual part basis. Venkel staff is most often able to help and believes our policy to help the customer as much as possible is the correct way to do business. Of course, NCNR parts may have special circumstances that surround them.
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