
BOM Upload

Uploading New BOM

This feature allows you to streamline your procurement process by importing your BOM from an external file or manually creating one within the platform.

Step 1: Accessing the BOM Upload Feature

Begin by logging in to your Venkel website account using your username and password.

Once logged in, navigate to the BOM section where you can upload a new BOM.

Step 2: Selecting a File for Upload

To import a BOM from an external file, click the "Choose File" to select the file from your computer.

Venkel offers an upload template file to ensure proper formatting. You can choose to download and use this template at the bottom.

Step 3: Mapping Manufacturer Part Numbers, Internal Part Numbers, and Quantities

You will be prompted to map the columns in your file to the corresponding fields in the BOM uploader.

Identify and map the Manufacturer Part Number, Internal Part Number, and Quantity columns.

Ensure that the mapping is correct to avoid any data import errors.

Step 4: Uploading the BOM

Once the columns are correctly mapped, proceed to upload the BOM by clicking the "Upload" button.

The system will process the file, and the BOM will be imported into your account.

Step 5: Editing the BOM Details

You can edit the name of the BOM to make it easily identifiable.

If needed, you can manually add parts to the BOM by using the "Manual Add" box located at the top left. Enter the Manufacturer Part Number, Internal Part Number, and Quantity.

You can also adjust the build quantity, which multiplies the total quantity of parts in the BOM.

Adding BOM To Cart

This feature simplifies the process of ordering multiple parts from your BOM, offering flexibility for customization.

Step 1: Accessing Your BOM

Begin by logging in to your Venkel website account using your username and password.

Once logged in, navigate to the BOM section where you can access your uploaded BOM.

Step 2: Selecting BOM Items for Your Cart

Inside your BOM, you'll see a list of items with checkboxes next to them.

Choose whether to select specific items by checking the corresponding checkboxes or select all items.

Step 3: Adding Items to Your Cart

At the top right corner of the BOM page, you'll find the "Add to Cart" button.

Click the button, and the system will prompt you with options:

  • "Add Selected Items" if you've checked specific items.
  • "Add All Orderable Items" if you want to add all parts from your BOM that are available for ordering.

Step 4: Confirm and Customize Your Cart

After making your selection, click "Add to Cart."

The selected items will be added to your cart, where you can:

  • Change the ship date to suit your requirements.
  • Adjust quantities.
  • Review pricing and make any necessary changes.
  • Perform other customizations as needed.

Step 5: Completing Your Purchase

Once you've reviewed and customized your cart, you can proceed to checkout to complete your purchase.


1: What file formats are supported for uploading a BOM?

Answer: The Venkel website typically supports common file formats such as .xls, .xlsx, .csv, and .txt for BOM uploads. Please refer to the platform for the latest supported formats.

2: Can I manually add parts to my uploaded BOM?

Answer: Yes, you can manually add parts to your BOM within the platform. Simply locate the "Manual Add" option and enter the relevant part details.

3: Can I customize my cart after adding items from my BOM?

Answer: Yes, after adding items from your BOM to your cart, you can customize various aspects of your order within the cart, including ship dates, quantities, and pricing.

4: What happens if some items in my BOM are not orderable?

Answer: If some items in your BOM are not orderable due to availability or other reasons, the system will typically exclude them from being added to your cart, ensuring a smooth ordering process.

6: How can I ensure the accuracy of my BOM when adding items to my cart?

Answer: It's important to review the contents of your cart after adding items from your BOM. Check quantities, pricing, and other details to ensure accuracy before proceeding to checkout.

6: Can I save my BOM for future use or reference?

Answer: Yes, you can save your BOM within the platform for future reference and use. It allows you to maintain a record of your parts and procurement requirements.

7: What do I do if I encounter technical issues or have additional questions about these features?

Answer: If you encounter technical issues or have more questions about these upload features or any other aspect of the Venkel website, please reach out to your account manager or visit our "Contact Us" page. Our support team will assist you promptly and provide further guidance as needed.

More Help

If you need additional assistance or have specific questions about using our features or any other aspect of the Venkel website, please visit our "Contact Us" page. You can fill out the provided form to get in touch with our dedicated account management team, who will be happy to assist you with your inquiries and provide further guidance. 


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